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What is Vermicompost?

Vermicompost is the final product of composting organic material using different types of worms, such as red wigglers (Eisenia Fetida) or earthworms, to create a homogenized blend of decomposed vegetable and food waste, bedding materials and manure. Vermicompost , similarly known as worm castings or worm manure, enriches the soil and can be used as a high grade natural, organic fertilizer. 
The process of producing vermicompost is referred to as vermicomposting.

Increasing resistance plants against to environment's stresses and pathogens in soil.

Increase color of flowers, better tasted of agriculture crops, increase the growth index and stem diameter.

Enhanced root growth, increase flower initiation and flower numbers, increase durability of cut branch flowers.

Increase germinate rate and seeding development and to aid in the prevention of harmful plant pathogens, fungi, nematodes and bacteria.

Creating channels for the passage of air and improve its capacity to hold water.


Vermicompost Uses:

Vermicompost is used as a soil additive, conditioner, and fertilizer. Vermicompost functions to add humus and organic matter to the soil providing bioavailable nutrients to the plants, increasing soil tilth. Vermicompost helps with water infiltration and retention, while buffering excessive acid or alkaline soil conditions. Vermicompost helps store nutrients and keeps them safe from leeching and irrigation, functioning to balance hormones within plant physiology, and adding beneficial biology to your soil.


Vermicompost Applications:

1. Put 1 or 2 handfuls of biohumus under plant.

2. Mix soil with biohumus in the garden (proportion 1:3).

3. Mix with neutralized peat (proportion 1:3)

4. Sprinkle the garden or/and greenhouse with bihumuss mass for watering. It is done in proportion 1:10 with water. One litre biohumus is dissolved in 10l of water and is kept in condition for 24h.


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